God With Us...In The Valley

What better time to hear that God is with us in every moment than amid the heightened anxiety and chaos of the Christmas season? God is with us through the pain. God comforts us in the waiting. God gives us courage when we feel anxious.

Have you ever noticed there are Christian sounding phrases that often roll off our tongues, but they leave a sour taste in our mouths? We say things like “God helps those who help themselves,” “God needed another angel,” “Everything happens for a reason,” and “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” During this series we’ll explore the “almost” Christians things we say.

REMEMBERING OUR SAINTS Each year the church sets aside one week to remember those “saints” who have gone before us. During All Saints week, we are reminded that death has touched each one of us. We all know the pain of losing someone we care about. In worship, we will read the names of members who have died over the past year and you will be invited to light candles in memory of the “saints” in your life who have passed. By lighting candles, we remember that we have a God whose light shines even in the midst the deep darkness we experience.

Have you ever noticed there are Christian sounding phrases that often roll off our tongues, but they leave a sour taste in our mouths? We say things like “God helps those who help themselves,” “God needed another angel,” “Everything happens for a reason,” and “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” During this series we’ll explore the “almost” Christians things we say.
