From the beginning of time, God has invited God’s followers to “make room” - room for those needing a fresh start. Those lost and hurting, down and out. Those who ran away and those returning. In fact, way back when, God sent a message to God’s people: You need to make room! The exiles are returning. The lost are being led back:
“Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep. You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family.” Isaiah 54:2-3 (The Message)
God said, “I’m sending people your way. I just need you to make room for them!”
Throughout our history, Calvary has faithfully responded to this invitation. In 1885, a small group of faithful Swedes pooled their resources and built our first building. By 1909, they realized it was more than Swedes God was calling them to gather. So, they built a larger church. And guess what? In 1916, 1926, 1952, and 1982 they expanded to, again and again, make more room. And, in 2019, you did the same. Making room is in our DNA. It’s who we are as Jesus followers. We make room so that all might know a lifelong faith in Jesus.
Today, you are invited to make a commitment to the Make Room appeal.
We aren’t making room physically - building or expanding. This appeal is actually more important than that. We’re making room financially.
The financial gifts of those who contributed to our most recent building project in 2019 have absolutely paid off. You can see the difference it has made. Our remaining mortgage debt, though, has the potential of limiting our ability to make room. By raising the funds needed to eliminate our mortgage obligations, we make room financially so we can sustain the remarkable growth we are experiencing, and pass on to the next generation a church that is both physically and financially healthy.
This appeal is about who we are. Our identity. Our calling. And, making this kind of room requires us to make room, not only in our hearts and our pews, but in our finances and our generosity.
Thank you for making room!
God says, “I’ll supply the people. I just need you to MAKE ROOM!”
Your financial investments are clearly paying off!
In winter of 2019, with pledges of $3.9 million, Calvary members voted to commence a $6 million building expansion and remodel project that renovated 17,000 sq ft and added 11,000 sq ft to our church building, including the worship center and hub. We moved forward with confidence, understanding that in 5 years members would be asked to retire the remaining debt.
It’s remarkable the ways these investments have allowed us to make room for the growing numbers God is leading our way! Worship attendance grew by 8% in 2023 alone. Kids and student ministry weekly ministry programming registration topped 500+ participants in 2024. In the first 3 months of 2024, 133 more people joined us for worship each week than in 2023. That’s remarkable!
Why the appeal? The remaining mortgage debt has the potential of limiting our ability to make room. In November 2024, we close the initial construction phase of our mortgage, which only required us to pay interest (3.72%, 5 years). We will then enter a principal and interest phase (3.72%, 5 years), at the end of which a balloon payment will come due (November 2029). Calvary members have faithfully reduced our principal mortgage balance over the past 5 years, contributing $3.6 million dollars. Beginning November of 2024, though, we are required to make mortgage payments of approximately $20,000 per month.
A pledge to the Make Room Fund makes room financially by eliminating our mortgage debt
The general fund is Calvary’s annual fund that fuels the ministry and mission of our church - from worship to the difference we make in our community, Vacation Bible School to Backpack Attack.
Calvary's leadership does everything we do on an incredibly lean and responsible budget. It’s remarkable. If you took our entire funding for the year and divided by the number of people who call Calvary their church home, in 2023 we were able to do all we did in our community and at church for the entire year at the cost of just $456 per individual person. That’s $38 per person per month. You can’t join a gym, subscribe to cable TV or get a pizza and two beverages for that.
And, here’s what you know: A good host doesn’t make a guest pay for dinner at their house. We cover their costs until they are part of the family.
A pledge to the 2025 General Fund not only covers your participation, but allows us to make room financially for us to welcome those new to faith!
God, in Jesus you made room for outsiders and sinners, the lost and the lonely. You’ve also made room for me. Me and my doubts, fears, anxiety and short-comings. So, I can’t not make room for others! As I consider my financial commitment to my church, I know that you are sending people our way who are just like me, and all you ask is that we make room. God, make room in my heart. Make room in our church. Make room in my finances. Make room through my generosity. Amen
Gifts of all sizes are welcome and needed. Please consider giving your best gift to both funds. Combined with our entire Calvary community's generosity, your gift will have tremendous impact. Plan to make your gifts in the ways that work best for you. This could be IRA rollovers, stocks and bonds, or automated gifts. Below is an example of a giving chart to get you started.3. SIGN-UP FOR AUTOMATIC GIVING OR FILL OUT A PLEDGE CARD
Automatic giving allows you to be faithful in your commitment even if you can’t be with us in person. If you’d like to set up a recurring or one-time donation to either fund, click here (or the buttons on the top or bottom of this page), or pick up a pledge card at Calvary's welcome desk. You can change your contribution at any time.
Questions? If you have questions on giving options, please contact the church office at 320-763-5178 and speak with Katie Rentschler, Business Administrator.